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Operation: Aloha Action was started in 2013 with a group of family and friends from Hawaii feeding the homeless on the streets of Las Vegas. The mission was to bring the spirit of Aloha to the mainland and teach the community and our children about our values and traditions of kindness for humanity and giving humbly from our hearts by helping others in need. 

Today we have become a nonprofit organization expanding services to multiple populations in the community including homeless adults and youth, at-risk families, disabled, seniors and veterans. We provide food, clothing, hygiene needs, social services, and assist with physical and mental health wellness.

In the past years we have provided hot meals, holiday dinners, warm clothing during winter, water relief during hot summers, school supplies and counseling. Your donations will support the organization to continue their efforts in serving the community and be used to purchase the items needed to distribute to the less fortunate populations and provide the necessary items for our services.

Our goal is to create a center and shelter in which these less fortunate people can come for relief from whatever hardships they may be experiencing such as hunger, cold, housing, showers, supplies, resources, etc. It is our hopes that we may continue to grow and serve our communities and to preserve, perpetuate, and continue our legacy of ALOHA. Mahalo (thank you) for your consideration in taking time to read our cause.

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